Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Ted Bundy

Todays Off Screen Villain is the serial killer Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was never loved by his mother.  As a matter of fact when he was born he was her secret shame. His religious family was embarrassed by her mother’s scandalous deeds. She gave birth to him secretly. So embarrassed of how he came to be Ted’s grandparents raised him as an adopted child and was made to believe his mother was his sister
From the time he was young he loved knives, and his grew he became distant from his friends. He like to peer into people’s window at night and thought nothing of it when he stole things from other people.
While in College Ted Bundy dated a young, pretty rich woman from California. She was everything Ted wanted in a woman. And when they broke up it devastated Ted. Soo much so when he graduated and became somewhat of a success he began his path of destruction.
Killing nearly over %0 women. Look at his lifestory and last interview below

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